I'm Thomas, 24 years old, and I'm happy to introduce myself to you. My life has always been linked to fishing, and from an early age I was accompanied by my father on the waterfront. At the age of 3 I could already be found along the banks.
For many years I have participated in fishing competitions and championships, both with pole and feeder. Nowadays I mainly focus on fishing with the feeder or method feeder on the Rhône and other rivers in my region. My favorite fish are especially the barbel, carp, tench, catfish and chub.
I have been lucky enough to be part of the KORUM team in France for 3 years, and now I have also recently joined the Wild River Barbel team. I really enjoy sharing my fishing experiences with others. You will regularly find me on my social media channels, where I share my fishing adventures, as well as tips and tricks about the techniques I use.